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We work in partnership with parents, carers and students and Brook Green offers a curriculum which is broad, balanced and matches individual needs. We value the work of staff and students and work harmoniously with neighbouring schools and colleges. We engage positively in the life of the community and commit ourselves to continuous review and evaluation.
Academic Outcomes
Our students achieve qualifications in a wide variety of subject areas, preparing them both for future success at College and to ensure they leave Brook Green prepared for life as independent young 21st century adults. Qualifications include English and Maths GCSEs, Functional Skills, Entry Level Pathways in PE, OCR Nationals in ICT, 'Step Up' Qualifications, BTEC Science, GCSE Art, BTEC Engineering and BTEC Home Cooking Skills.
In addition, our students attend local Colleges as part of their provision in Year 11.
Click below to see Year 11 Student Outcomes
Click below to see our school's performance

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