Science at Brook Green is accessible, engaging and enjoyable. Students are consistently challenged to a suitable level based on their abilities. Science lessons do not simply allow students to question, experiment and play – they encourage all of these as key skills alongside literacy, numeracy and social skills. This is how science works and how students at Brook Green become scientists.
Science is about understanding our world around us and our place within it. Scientific enquiry is the main focus of science; this involves practical investigations (experiments) and all of the skills needed to answer important questions about chemistry, physics and biology. This means that science at Brook Green is very hands on and introduces students to the wonders around us all – from investigating pond life, observing and experiencing nature, understanding how the body works and how we can stay healthy, chemical reactions and materials that can help us in daily life, electricity and safety, heat transfer and energy, to forces, electromagnetism and waves. Scientific enquiry enables problem solving skills applicable to all subjects as well as day-to-day life, not just in the science lab.
Science at Brook Green promotes and develops social and emotional aspects of learning such as the ability to work together as a team, to ask and answer questions confidently, and to share and see value in different opinions and points of view. Literacy and oracy is reinforced in every lesson and numeracy is enhanced within every practical task.
Key Stage 3
In Key Stage 3 the course is written to meet the requirements of The National Curriculum and is divided into units lasting from two to six weeks. The topics covered in year seven include Being a Scientist, Particles, Cells, Electricity, Solutions, Plants, Forces, and Acids & Alkalis. The topics covered in year eight include Elements and Compounds, Chemical Reaction, Space & Solar System, Waves, Reproduction, Respiration, Ecosystems and the Earth’s Energy. Year 9 offers the following topics: How the Body Works, Atoms, Elements & Compounds, Properties & Structure of Matter, Energy Transfers & Energy Resource, and Forces.
Throughout the Year 7, 8 and 9 topics, elements of the Key Stage 4 courses are introduced, and much of the work (particularly from Year 9) will contribute towards the Key Stage 4 practical coursework portfolios, enabling more flexibility and practical work in Years 10 & 11. Students also take Entry Level exams at the end of each unit.
Key Stage 4
Beginning in Year 9, students work towards an Entry Level Science Certificate (AQA) to enable grounding of scientific principles. This involves exams across topics within Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Practical work is very important for success at all levels, and is done using the Scientific Method, and practical, numerical and literacy skills are assesses through experimental investigation coursework. Progression from the single award Entry Level Certificate (ELC) can lead to different pathways depending on ability or need. These include:
Entry into a double award for the ELC, with three additional exams and three additional assessed pieces of practical and written coursework.
Further work on the single award for the ELC in order to enhance understanding, improve coursework and allow for higher levels to be reached within the single award.
Entry into GCSE Combined Science: Synergy (AQA)
(Please click on the link below to see more detail of the curriculum on offer)
Practical Skills are the most appropriate way to assess Key Stage 3 work. This tends to guide assessment of Chemistry, Biology and Physics, as well as class discussions and ICT skills. End-of-Unit tests are also given in Key Stage 3 as further preparation to Key Stage 4 requirements. Assessment of skills and conceptual knowledge occurs across Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Assessment incorporates thinking scientifically, reinforces social and emotional aspects of learning such as communication, collaboration and team-building. Practical skill assessment allows for an accurate yet individual assessment. Science assessment at Brook Green Centre for Learning opens up a dialogue between the teacher and learner, which continues through Key Stage 4.
The Future
As the needs of students are differentiated and the values of qualifications change, so the science department endeavours to evolve. The Science Department at BGCFL actively seeks the most appropriate schemes, programmes and examination boards to enable students to achieve the awards that they deserve most.
Science Home Learning
Students who are isolating as a result of a positive Covid test will be sent printed work based on the topics that they would be covering in school lessons. These come from a variety of textbooks and revision resources.
The following websites/providers can be a very useful supplement to learning science from home:
BBC Bitesize:
Appropriate for all year groups. Great revision and interactive activities.
Appropriate for years 7-9. Fun revision and interactive activities
The British Army: Perhaps you would not initially think of looking at this website but the British Army have released home learning resources that help to build confidence as well as develop learning and skills. There are home learning lessons about character building, confidence, maths, science, employability and many other topics. It is well worth a look.
Khan Academy: This is a US based site based on their education system but it is packed with lessons. This site would be particularly useful for both Maths and Science and you can track your child’s progress too.
AQA Entry Level Science assessment:
This website is helpful for the Year 10 and Year 11 Entry Level Classes (10MP and 11JSp). It has externally set assessments (sample exams) and marking schemes to go along with them. Students should be aware of the unit they are covering, but any or all of these sample exams are good for revision. It also has Teacher Designed Assessments for all of the practical work we have done, so plans and conclusions can be written using the guidelines.
BBC Bitesize (AQA GCSE Combined Science Synergy):
10HE and 11RD are entered for AQA GCSE Combined Science: Synergy. This is a brilliant website to help with all revision topics for the course. This, as well as revision booklets and workbooks, is the best source of revision and should be dipped into regularly. This can also be accessed by way of Google Classrooms.
Other home-based science learning activities:
Supervised experiments with kitchen chemistry. Share photos with Mr Weber and Mr Marshall
Gardening and Nature walks. There are many wonders in nature. Again, photos or a record of mini-beasts or plants identified, growth of plants, -- be creative and use the scientific method. Even write up plans and conclusions for outdoor investigations.
Youtube is full of exciting experiments that can be done at home, and some experiments to witness that cannot be done safely in the lab. Also, don’t forget programmes like Bill Nye the Science Guy and Brainiac. Do a search for science experiments you can do at home, and have a go (under supervision).
GCSE students (10HE and 11RD) have been given red revision guides and white workbooks (both from CGP). These are both useful for revision, and can be dipped into from time to time to help recap what has been taught already.