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Dates for Your Diary​


​Monday 2nd December to                                      Expanding Horizons week

Friday 6th December 2024​


Friday 13th December2024                                      Family Christmas Quiz at Brook Green 

18.15 for 18.30


Tuesday 17th December 2024                                 Christmas Fair (all welcome)


Wednesday 18th December 2024                          School Christmas dinner and wear a Christmas jumper day        


Thursday 19th December 2024                                 School Panto performances. 


Friday 20th December 2024                                   Whole school rewards assembly 



Friday 20th December 2024                                   Last Day of term.      


Monday 6th January 2025                                       First Day of term


Friday 24th January 2025                                         RE Day 


Friday 31st January 2025                                          Parent Coffee morning (RWI) 



Friday 14th February 2025                                      Non pupil Day 


Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February    Half term holiday 


Tuesday 4th March 2025                                        Year 11 Parents Evening 



Thursday 6th March2025                                      World Book Day 


Thursday 13th March 2025                                   Whole school STEM & RE Day 


Friday 14th March 2025                                        Parent Coffee morning (DofE) 



Wednesday 19th March 2025 15.30                   Year 6 Parents and students visit 


TBC Wednesday 2nd April 2025 9.15                Whole school rewards assembly 


Friday 4th April 2025                                            Intrasports 


Monday 7th April – Monday 21st April             Easter Holidays 


Tuesday 22nd April 2025                                   First Day of term 


Monday 5th May                                                May Bank holiday 


TBC Wednesday 7th May2025                        DofE expedition to Powder Mills 


Thursday 8th May 2025                                     RE Day 


Friday 9th May & Saturday 10th May             Jubilee challenge 


TBC Thursday 22nd May 2025                       Whole school rewards assembly 



Friday 23rd May 2025                                      Intrasports 


Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May          Half term holiday 


Tuesday 10th June 2025                               Year 7 and year 9 parents evening 



Thursday 12th  June 2025                           Year 9 DofE expedition 


Thursday 19th June 2025                           Year 11 Prom 


Friday 20th June 2025                                Non Pupil Day / Staff training Day 


Wednesday 25th June 2025                     Maths Day 


Friday 27th June 2025                               Whole school Ocean celebration Day 


Thursday 3rd July 2025                            Year 10 Silver practice expedition 


Friday 4th July 2025                                  Parent Coffee morning (RWI) 



Tuesday 22nf July 2025                           Last day of term  


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