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Trinity sailing

Updated: Jun 21, 2019


A shorter trip than usual due to the bank holiday. We boarded on Tuesday and sailed for a couple of hours to anchor in Torbay. Wednesday we set sail for the river Dart, forecast proved accurate and the wind started to blow, increasing the swell. The wind was a westerly making progress slow and circuitous. Most of our students retired to bed due to sea-sickness. We anchored at the anchor stone at Dittisham, had a BBQ and returned back onboard for an exciting overnight anchor-watch.

Thursday raised anchor on the river and sailed into monumental seas until we turned Eastwards towards Brixham, where we went alongside. We did a treasure hunt around Brixham and treated ourselves to a shower in the yacht club in preparation for home. Friday we disembarked, had a chippy lunch before returning to school.

A great week despite the vomiting. Well done boys!!

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