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The Play Project and Brook Green


Plymouth City Council have been working hard to improve playgrounds across the city and the one by the entrance to the school had become very sad and dangerous so lots had been removed from it from it.

Liz Cole - Natural Infrastructure Officer for PCC contacted the school back in March to let us know of the successful bid to the Pocket Park Fund. Students were originally involved with the Play Project before lockdown but it had to be put on hold so we were really please to get going again.

Students from Years 11 and 9 were selected to help with the decision making process. They were shown the ideas to revamp the playground. They got to give their input into the final decision on colours and type of spinning play equipment.

As part of the overall plan the Council have put aside an area of the park to grow a wildflower meadow between the playground and the woody scrub. After planning the playground, the students then sowed wildflowers.

The students enjoyed the activities immensely and had some good insights into the playground design. It was a really positive activity that allowed them to plan for better days ahead.

Thanks goes to Liz for asking for our help and Bex for coming along and getting us involved in such a great community project.

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