Computing At Brook Green
At Brook Green we are committed to ensuring that as a school we use a range of new technologies to support innovative and creative teaching and learning for our whole community. Thus said, Brook Green has excellent ICT facilities including computers in all learning areas and up to date interactive boards to support teaching and learning. Staff are provided with IPads, Chromebooks and Laptops. Students have the opportunity to use Chromebooks, IPads and Desktop computers to assist with their learning across the curriculum.
ICT Facilities at Brook Green
The ICT department is well resourced with equipment that provides digital enrichment such as Sphero balls which supports students with programming, co-ordination and logical thinking skills. The Sphero activities are popular with students and have been used not only in the classroom but also in the natural environment such as the field, woods and a water tank, with plenty of opportunities to complete creative tasks of choice. More recently we have procured Virtual Reality equipment which offers a quality experience for students who have so far, visited a coral reef in the depths of the ocean, a trip to space to view the planets and star constellations as well as many more exciting worlds. This helps students improve hand eye co-ordination, team work skills and problem solving and they thoroughly enjoy the whole experience.
At Brook Green Computing provides an opportunity for Students to develop their computing capability. Students are provided with the foundation to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in order that they may successfully progress through Key Stages 3 and 4. This in turn will give them a good grounding for future study and employability thus ensuring best possible outcomes are achieved by our students to fulfil their full potential.
Key Stage 3
Information Communication Technology
ICT provides an invaluable tool to support and enhance student learning in all areas of the curriculum. Students need to understand how to become efficient digital citizens who can develop transferrable skills so they may adapt and stay safe in an ever-changing technologically rich environment. Students will learn how to become proficient in Microsoft Office applications which are commonly used in further education and employment institutes, therefore preparing students for the outside world. Creative Digital Media is a branch of ICT that students also study, learning how to create digital artwork and stop frame animation using the software’s inbuilt tools to ensure a good end product is created.
Computer Science
Students are taught basic Computer Science and encouraged to use computational thinking skills that assist them in problem solving and finding suitable solutions in various situations. Year 7 students are at the beginning of their programming journey and each year they build upon their skills as they progress to the next stage. They have the opportunity to use various software at different levels and explore the many features available. Students complete an ‘Hour of Code’ using block programming for which they gain a certificate.
By the end of Key Stage 3 students are given the chance to undertake more detailed and complex programming. During the Autumn term students have the opportunity to use their block programming skills in the National Lego League Competition where they endeavour to program a Robot as part of a joint venture with the Design Technology department.
Key Stage 4
Computing at Key Stage 4 is largely aimed at ensuring students build on pre-existing skills not only to gain nationally accredited qualifications, but more importantly useful ones that will prove invaluable in future study and employment. A variety of courses are offered to accommodate all levels of ability thus ensuring students leave Brook Green with the ability to use digital technology effectively.
WJEC ICT Pathways Entry Level 1 & 2
BTEC Introductory ICT Level 1
AQA Unit Awards Entry Level 1 – Level 1
Students complete two weeks of E-Safety training at the beginning of every year. All students take part in Safer Internet Day, a global event that is held in February each year and the topics covered are always interesting, up to date and relevant. Furthermore, assemblies at both Key Stages are held regularly where current technological safety concerns are discussed and advice is given to students. E-Safety and ICT is ongoing throughout the curriculum on a daily basis. All students are fully aware that inappropriate use of technology in school will result in sanctions with a possible outcome being a period of restricted internet access. In addition to this, parents have the opportunity to attend E-Safety events held at school where worries and concerns are discussed and help and advice is given.
ICT Home Learning
This is an excellent online resource where students in both Key Stages are able to practice their coding skills at various levels. Students enjoy using this resource and are presented with a certificate of achievement upon completion.
This is a lovely resource that students of all abilities can have a go at. It ranges from very simple to more complex so great for all to try.
Students can access this resource for free but have to sign up using an email address and password. This is a great introduction to block programming.
A great area for revising esafety knowledge and skills with a test that can be completed. It is for KS3 but is also suitable for BGCFL KS4 students too.
This site is good for explaining ICT words encouraging literacy through Look Say Cover Check activities. There is the opportunity to print worksheets. All ages.
ICT games with strong links to maths (games with purpose) All ages.
Fantastic tutorials that cater for KS4 students with an interest in CGI from a starter level to more complex level. Blender is shareware and is free to download and use follow this link to get it
Other learning activities you could do with your child
This is a selection of games that are suitable for students to play.
This offers a range of quizzes on topics that students can choose from.
Lots of Functional skills practice here especially for KS4