As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:
target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks
However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable.

Karen Powell
March 2017 - 2021,
March 2021 - 2025
Status: Co-opted
Position Held: Co-Chair
Responsibilities: Safeguarding & LAC
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business?
Company Director of Effective School Governance
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities?
Appointed by the Board of Governors.
Attendance 2023/24: 4/5
I have worked in education for over 20 years and always admired the work of Brook Green Centre for Learning. I was therefore delighted to be asked to join the governing body in July 2017 as a co-opted governor and even happier to become chair in September. It is a real privilege to be a governor and work with the leadership team to ensure we offer an outstanding provision. I also enjoy meeting with our young people and seeing them achieve and thrive, whilst working with and learning from our excellent team of staff. We are also fortunate to have such supportive parents. It is the team of students, staff, governors and parents that ensures we remain outstanding!

Wendy Cavell
September 2023 - 2027
Status: Co-opted
Position Held: Governor
Responsibilities: English / RSE
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business? None
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? None
Appointed by the Board of Governors
Attendance 2023/24: 5/5
My whole working life has been in education. Starting by managing 2 nurseries then progressing to youth work and adult learning, building on my higher education qualifications as required. I then moved into pre & post 16 education in a large community college in Plymouth. ​
Every day brought fulfilment by seeing students grow in resilience, knowledge and capability. Aiding students to see their true potential through hard work and to see them developing their true vocation and career pathway. ​
After a most enjoyable career and on retirement I was asked to join the trust board of 2 schools where I was voted into the position of Chair for 6 years. Joining a larger MAT in 2021 who then adopted the hub system of governance as of 2022. Standing down for a short time but realising there was still more to give. I was asked to join Brook Green in September 2023. ​
There’s much to learn about the education provided to such special young people at Brook Green and I am pleased to be able to bring my previous experience of governance and secondary education with me to help in the task.

David Fields
May 2022 - 2026
Status: Co-opted
Position Held: Co - Chair
Responsibility: Premises
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business? None
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? None
Appointed by Board of Governors.
Attendance 2023 / 2024: 4/5

Sarah Holt
November 2013 - 2017
November 2017 - 2021
November 2021 - 2025
Status: Co-opted
Position Held: Headteacher
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business?
GP Practice Partner Pathfields Practice
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? None
Appointed by the Board of Governors.
Attendance 2023/24: 5/5
My name is Sarah Holt and I am Deputy Headteacher here at Brook Green. I have been in post since 2013. Prior to this I worked in a variety of educational settings as an English teacher, Head of English, Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. I then made the leap to Special Education and thoroughly enjoy this and my role at Brook Green. I am the school’s named SENCO

Benji Shoker
November 2023 - 2026
Status: Co-opted
Position held; Governor
Responsibilities: Careers
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business? None
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? None.
Appointed by Board of Governors.
Attendance 2023/23: 5/5
I have a lifelong commitment and passion in challenging discrimination, injustice and inequality.
I grew up in Southall, west London and moved to the south west in late 1970’s. I became very aware of diversity issues and the many forms of discrimination impacting upon communities and young people, particularly as a young person myself growing up in London. This informed my decision to become a Youth & Community Worker and having secured a place at university at 18, a gap year soon turned into 10 years, which included extensive travel and working in the far east with communities experiencing inequalities, the treatment of girls and women, hate crimes, poverty, discrimination especially in the work place and Human Rights issues.
Having formalised my studies thereafter, I worked both in a paid/unpaid capacity in the voluntary and statutory sector in Devon and Cornwall. Roles have included Head of Youth Offending Service in Plymouth, Director of Devon Racial Equality Council, Anti-Racism Task Force Manager, Youth & Community Development Manager, Equalities & Diversity Officer, Deputy Community Education Tutor, Senior Policy Officer. I was also one of the founder members of the Plymouth Racial Equality Council, Devon Racial Equality Council and Refugee First.
I have served as a Board member on a number of strategic partnerships including Local Criminal Justice Board and Plymouth Safeguarding Children’s Board and have taken the lead for Domestic Violence & Abuse, Children’s Sexual Exploitation, Cyber Bullying, Drugs & Alcohol link to Mental Health and Public Protection.

Peter Leatherby
January 2024 - 2028
Status: Co-opted
Position held; Governor
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business? None
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? None.
Appointed by Board of Governors.
Attendance 2023/23: 1/4

Yvonne Shores
September 2024 - 2028
Status: Parent
Position held; Parent Governor
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business? None
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? None
Appointed by the Board of Governors
Attendance 2023/24: 0/5

Jan Cooper
December 2011 - 2015
December 2015 - 2019
December 2017 - 2023
December 2023 - 2027
Status: Co-opted
Position held; Governor
Responsibilities: Learning in the Natural Environment / Safeguarding
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities?
Devon and Cornwall Food Action Charity
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business? None
Appointed by the Board of Governors
Attendance 2023/24: 4/5
I have been a co-opted governor at Brook Green since December 2011. I was asked to be a Governor by the previous Headteacher as I covered the Whitleigh area as part of my Policing Role as the local Police Community Support Officer for Devon and Cornwall Police to where I still work. My past working experience to this was working in the Local Government Sector for 20 years, and this brings many transferable skills that I can contribute to the Governing body at Brook Green Centre for Learning.
I am married, and have two adult children one who has Autism and ADHD, and I was raised by blind parents. I have many hobbies including being a RNR Officer in the Sea Cadets, where I manage 6 Sea Cadet Units in Cornwall, and I teach cadets Catering & Stewarding and Adventure Training. In my spare time I also enjoy swimming and Skiing.
In my police role I thoroughly enjoy getting to know the pupils as individuals, learning about their needs and thinking creatively about how I can best help them to learn about life, and succeed as they move through Brook Green and onto other things, and it's very rewarding to see them develop. I am dedicated to ensuring that all children within Brook Green reach their own potential whilst enjoying a happy and fulfilling education in a safe and caring environment. I am passionate about increasing the understating of special needs with children in my working environment dealing with families for the best outcomes for their child and families. I am a friendly person and like meeting people so please feel free to come and chat to me.

Tony Carson
Status: Co-Opted
Position held; Governor
Responsibilities: Finance
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business?
Chairman TEC Construction,
Parish Councillor Brixton Parish Council which includes SHDC part of Sherford,
Running for DCC in Bickleigh and Wembury Division 1st May 2025 Election
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? Cann Bridge
Appointed by Board of Governors
Attendance 2023/24:
I am a family man with four children and two grandchildren.
Started my own business in 1987 and now getting close to retirement.
A Councillor on Plymouth City Council for five years.
Chairman of Plymouth Construction Training Group since 2009 where we help upskill the workforce of Plymouth and support apprenticeships.
I have been a School Governor on two previous occasions and enjoyed the challenges.
My experience in industry will help me in supporting the well running of the school.

Pete Talliss
Status: Staff
Position Held: Staff Governor
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business?
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? None
Elected by Staff, appointed by the board of Governors.
Attendance 2024/25: 1/0

Kerry Carter​
May 2024 - Present
Status: Parent
Position Held: Parent Governor
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business? None
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities?
Appointed by the Board of Governors
Attendance 2023/2024 2/6

Position Held:
Company Director, Related to a Company Director, Partner or Owner of any Business? None
Trusteeships and Governorships including other Schools and charities? None
Appointed by the Board of Governors
Attendance: 2023 / 2024
Julie Williams 2011 - 2018,
Hayleigh Eglinton 2013 - 2018, 2022-2023,
Shelly Horrell 2016-2019,
Ken Bates 2016 - 2018,
Kath Roberts 2018-2019,
Gerry Smale 2018 - 2021,
Fiona MacLachlan-Morris 2022-2022,
David Baylis OBE 2018 - 2022.
Mike Thomas 2003 - 2023.
Sara Jordan 2013 - 2024.
Alex Wallace 2017 - 2024.
Claire Wenmoth 2017 - 2024.
Linzie Lake 2021 - 2024.