Food Technology
Cooking is a basic skill in life and we endeavour to teach the students the importance of cooking family meals from scratch and on a budget.
Key Stage 3
Year 7
In Year 7, students learn the basic skills needed in the kitchen such as chopping, slicing, rubbing in, using the oven and hob. Students learn about how to prepare and cook basic food safely and hygienically. They start to learn about economising in the kitchen and how to prepare simple dishes from fresh ingredients.
Year 8
In Year 8, students continue to develop the basic skills they have learnt in Year 7 and their knowledge regarding how to economise in the kitchen. They learn to cook meals such as fish pie, cottage pie and lasagne on a budget. They continue to learn how to prepare meals safely and hygienically through cooking with different meats and vegetables. They also learn about the importance of safe food storage.
Key Stage 4
Year 9
In Year 9, the students continue to develop the skills that they have learnt in Key Stage 3. During the autumn term they make different varieties of bread, in the spring and summer terms they continue to develop their knowledge of healthy foods and a balanced diet looking at healthy breakfasts and packed lunches. At the end of Year 9 the students decide which course in technology they would like to follow in Years 10 and 11.
Years 10 and 11
Students that continue to attend Food Technology follow the Home Cooking Skills BTEC course. The course encourages students to cook from scratch using basic ingredients and to then share their knowledge with friends and family. The students will learn about healthy eating and diet, how to economise in the kitchen and during this time they will continue to develop their skills and knowledge. Information about the course can be found at the following web address.
During their time at Brook Green Centre for Learning many of the students take part in catering for events that are held within the school such as Christmas dinner, Fetes, catering for visitors, and the Year 11 leavers ceremony.