Citizenship and PSHEE​
Jigsaw Programme of Study at Brook Green Centre for Learning
At Brook Green Centre for Learning, we use the Jigsaw programme to deliver PSHE. The Jigsaw programme of study is designed by Jan Lever who has years’ experience as a teacher, local authority education adviser and psychotherapist. Jan’s Jigsaw programme supports schools to deliver high quality PSHE that meets the needs of their students, helps them know how to be healthy and happy and underpins their learning capacity and academic success.
The Jigsaw programme believes that social and interpersonal skills are vital, and that emotional literacy and positive mental health are key to young people thriving in school and in life. Young people need to be discerning and mindful to negotiate the many influences on them and to have a sense of agency, knowing they have a voice and can make a positive difference. Woven throughout the Jigsaw PSHE programmes is a strong focus on developing these personal attributes in a structured, age-appropriate and developmental way.
Mindfulness philosophy underpins the programme and mindfulness practice is built into every lesson, aiming to support self-regulation, self-awareness and stress management. Jigsaw 11-16, builds on the Jigsaw 3-11 Programme which many coming to our school are familiar with. The Structure revolves around 6 Puzzles. There are 6 half-term units (Puzzles) in each year group from ages 11-15 (Years 7-10), and 4 units (Puzzles) in ages 15-16 (Year 11) (to allow for the reduced teaching time because of examination season).
The Puzzles are sequenced and developmental from the beginning to the end of the school year:
Autumn 1: Being Me in My World
Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference
Spring 1: Dreams and Goals
Spring 2: Healthy Me
Summer 1: Relationships
Summer 2: Changing Me
Each Puzzle has a Big Question, encouraging a philosophical approach as well as providing a focus to be reflected upon as the Puzzle progresses, another way to assess learning progress and become aware of how opinions may be changing with added learning.
Jigsaw has been designed for a mainstream educational setting, and where necessary adaptions will be made to allow students to access the full range of learning opportunities on offer.
All the statutory requirements for RSHE are met across the ages 11-16 programme. It is important that all the materials used in school are transparent and accessible.
To that end parents and carers have access to the topics students will be covering in their PSHE lessons, so they can familiarise themselves with the Jigsaw programme. In half term one, students cover the strand ‘Being Me in My World’. The overview for this strand is available on the school PSHE website.
This website contains direct links to the Relationships and Sex Education Policy, including information on the right to withdraw your child from the sex education elements of the PSHE programme, up to and until 3 terms before your child turns 16.
If you have any questions, please email our Head of PSHE
​​CAREERS Home Learning
This website is aimed at all year groups and students can research information about jobs and subject links to careers. There are also daily lesson updates available.
This is a link to a free virtual 5-day work experience programme for Year 10’s developed by Scape for students interested in a career in the construction industry starting on the 18th May.
There are a variety of challenges for students to try aimed at all students.
This is a free online resource for UK students examining computer science and cyber security information. There are options for all levels of ability.
This is an initiative set up by the Youth Games Careers Service aimed at students who are interested in a career in the gaming industry. It provides a platform for young people to learn how to design video games through practical weekly challenges.
Other learning activities you could do with your child
Discuss jobs/careers you (or a family relative) have had in the past with your child and how they have influenced where you are today. You could map your journey from doing household chores/Saturday jobs to the job you do now.
Encourage your child to map how their job/career path might look like and outline the challenges they may need to overcome to succeed.
Citizenship / PSHE Home Learning
The British Army: perhaps you would not initially think of looking at this website but the British Army have released home learning resources that help to build confidence as well as develop learning and skills. There are home learning lessons about character building, confidence, maths, science, employability and many other topics. It is well worth a look.
ASDAN: this is a very good website and our older students already be familiar with them. They cover English, maths, PSHE, Citizenship and employability. They have adapted some of their resources to fit our current movement restrictions. They have also made available a large number of resources for learners with special needs. There are challenges for students and these can be completed within the household environment. Again, it is well worth having a look to see if you can find something to suit your child.
Website: (Careers Ed)
This is suitable for Year 11 students to get them to think about what careers or jobs may suit them. It is a personality test that links a person’s traits to specific jobs. On the site in general there are videos about what different jobs entail, also information about pay rates etc.
Website: (Environmental Learning)
This is an interactive game suitable for Year 7 – 8 where students learn elements about building an ecological town and there are videos explaining bits and bobs they need to include and then they get the chance to build according to what they have just learnt. It needs to have flash player version 7 for it to work.
Website: (ASDAN Furnish a flat on a budget)
This is a good site for Year 10 students to use to think about what they would put into a flat. They can design the first floor for free, to go to another level you have to pay. Students enjoy this activity and some very creative flats have been designed.
This site is a fun activity for KS4 students they can make a photofit of a face. I use it to think about what attracts a person to another, and it is a real challenge to make an attractive face!
Website: (Britishness and British Values)
This site is a British Citizenship Test that I use with my Year 7s because you can listen to the questions you can try it yourself and see how many you get out of 24.
Other learning activities you could do with your child
Go onto
There are lots of learning linked to short video dramas that are designed to promote discussion and debates.
This is a US site and it has lots of activities to consider what is a good citizen ect there are 20 activities to consider.
There are a series of activities and worksheets from ACT (Association for Citizenship Teaching) the link is to google drive (students should have access and there are resources that can be used at home)​
Home Learning Skills Builder
Home Learning Hub. Everyone needs eight essential skills to succeed - whatever their path in life. We're providing a range of resources for building these skills in a home setting - all underpinned by the Skills Builder Framework. Resources are available for learners aged 4 to 20+
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